Dexter Yarbrough focuses on a number of issues on his blog but most are primarily humor and photography related. Dexter Yarbrough is the author and blogger.
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Dexter Yarbrough in Focus: Dexter Yarbrough - People Posing Techniques for Ph...
Dexter Yarbrough in Focus: Dexter Yarbrough - People Posing Techniques for Ph...: "By Dexter YarbroughStyles of PosingThis hub will specifically address how to take better pictures of people by posing them. The trick is to ..."
Dexter Yarbrough - People Posing Techniques for Photography
By Dexter Yarbrough
Styles of Posing
This hub will specifically address how to take better pictures of people by posing them. The trick is to make the people and the poses look natural. Basically there are four posing styles to work with: casual posing, journalistic posing, glamorous posing and traditional posing. To learn posing, you need to be able to distinguish between the various types of poses and know the type of situation best applicable for each.
Casual Posing
Casual posing is a style of posing in which the body is positioned as it would be when we are relaxing. The best method to use for learning casual posing is to observe people as they are talking on the phone, watching TV or enjoying a conversation. By doing so, you will see the most natural and best casual poses.
Casual poses are resting poses. The arms rest on the legs, the chin rests on the hands. The back is generally posed at an angle. Also, it is common to use the ground to pose on, laying on the side or even on the stomach. The objective is to capture people as they truly are. Casual poses are most often used when the portrait is to be given to friends and family.
Journalistic Posing
Journalistic posing is recording people as they interact with their environment. Therefore, it really isn't posing at all! It is capturing the individual as they are thoroughly engaged in an activity so that they forget you are recording their image. Journalistic posing is a specific type of portrait that is becoming more popular. In the past, most people were used to more traditional styles of posing and did not understand the artistic flair of this type of posing.
Glamorous Posing
Glamorous Posing is sensual or sexy; its purpose is to make the subject look as appealing and attractive as possible. Glamorous posing is not boudoir or nude photography where the purpose is to achieve a form of beauty achieved by the individual wearing little or no clothing. A fully clothed person can be posed in certain ways that make them look extremely appealing. If you complete the pose with the right expression, often with the lips parted, the romantic interest of the person being posed will be very happy. As human beings, we all want to appear attractive.
Traditional Posing
Traditional posing is used for portraits for business, yearbooks and people of distinction. This style of posing reflects power and to some degree wealth, respect and a classic elegance. Whether these portraits are taken in a head-and-shoulders or full-length style, the posing is more linear, with slight changes in the angles of the body. Traditional posing needs to be subtle. Most of the time the individual will feel more comfortable in a standing rather than a seated position because of the clothes they are wearing. Expressions should be subtle; laughing smiles are not appropriate. However, serious expressions need to be relaxed. Most people taking traditional portraits aren't comfortable doing so. Make them as comfortable as possible!
Focus on Eyes
Now that you have an understanding of the different types of posing, one thing is always important. Focus on the subject's eyes because they are the first things the viewer will notice in a portrait. With much practice and trial and error, you will be ready to pose your subjects better. Have fun!
Dexter Yarbrough
Dexter Yarbrough - Carefully Choose a Wife, Men!
Marriage is a wonderful institution. There is nothing like having the perfect mate to travel along the journey of life. What makes it special is when you have chosen someone that not necessarily shares all the interests you have, but at least respects them. And you respect hers as well.
Sure, marriage has its challenges. The key is choosing the right mate from the very beginning. By the end of this writing, I hope to have shared a bit of wisdom on how to choose a mate wisely and carefully. Having been married once and to the same woman for 20 years, my marriage has not been perfect, but it has grown and succeeded because I chose the beginning.
Men, understand that women are different. They think differently than we do! They love unlike men. They hurt unlike men. Some can be more forgiving; some less forgiving. That is why it is essential that you get to know how she thinks, how she reacts to situations, her values, her upbringing, why she does what she does, etc. (it is even more essential that you know who you are as a man!).
Unfortunately, as men, we tend to focus on those visual things that stimulate us and choose based solely on these things (see picture above). Physical beauty, wonderful words, affection and sexual prowess are things that some men signal in on initially. Sometimes, these things become the predominate reasons to begin and continue a relationship. While they are important, they should not be the highest priorities in engaging in a long term relationship that could lead to marriage.
I have talked to men that have been in relationships for over five years and many of them are downright miserable. Some are scared of their mates. Some dread going home to nagging. Many engage in extra-marital relationships because communication and physical activity has diminished. Women may disagree, but many men cheat because they have tried and tried but the spouse does not reciprocate (this is not a justification, it is an explanation). Women should not be hurt in relationships and men should not be miserable in them, either.
Enumerated below are some tips that should be helpful in finding the right mate for a lifelong, marital relationship - based on mutual respect, love and trust.
1. Do you share similar interests and beliefs? The woman you marry should have many of the same beliefs and interests as you. This doesn't mean that she can't have her own. It means that there should be interests and beliefs you have in common. It’s fine to have differing opinions. But it’s important that you agree on the big things – money, family, children, sex, etc. Have these discussions with the woman you’re considering choosing for a wife before you marry her, to make sure you’ll get along.
2. Does she have a good upbringing? She should be brought up in a loving home or at least have strong values and a good understanding of family life. She should respect others and love her parents. She should have good manners. If the woman you are considering marrying is rude, uses a lot of profanity, looks down on others, is excessively moody, argumentative over minor things and/or is generally ill-tempered, DO NOT MARRY HER! This type of person will turn on you and make your life miserable. It is best she be left to her other unmarried female friends. Leave them to whine and commiserate over why no man wants to be with them in marriage. Maybe she will finally figure it out.
3. Is she successful? A good wife will have achievements and successes that made her successful long before you came around. When you choose a wife, choose someone who has goals and aspirations in life that go beyond wanting to get married. Marry someone that is well educated. By this, I do not mean someone who has numerous degrees. I am talking about someone that is versatile and can have a discussion on various topics. I know women who have high school diplomas but can have more interesting conversations than those that have doctoral degrees.
4. Is she attractive to you? Again, I am not just talking about looks here. Does this woman attract you? Are you drawn to her? Is her quirky humor something you love and do her dimples make your heart melt? She doesn't have to be a bombshell, but there's got to be something about a woman, more than externally, that makes you want to choose her as a wife.
5. Does she have a sense of humor? Life is not only about work, kids, career, etc. Life and marriage should also include loads of laughter, fun and humor. DO NOT MARRY a woman who is always angry and/or depressed and doesn't laugh at the silliest things. Laughter and fun should come easy and not be forced. You should be able to laugh AT each other when appropriate and WITH each other.
6. How is she with material things? Money? If the woman you are considering marrying is materialistic and seems consumed with having money - especially yours, DO NOT MARRY HER. This is very easy to determine. If she spends money freely but questions when you take $20.00 out of the ATM, you have a problem on your hands. If she consistently has to have nice things but fails to even provide you with a gift during special times, you need to run away as fast as you can! This person is stuck on herself and will drain you dry financially and emotionally in a marriage. This doesn't mean that you should be cheap. It means that you should carefully watch and analyze her in different situations. Find out if she has any bankruptcies, judgements or a bad credit history. Trust me, she is trying to find this out about you. Don't be stuck on stupid, men!
7. How was she in a previous relationship? Your emotional, physical and financial security depends on you knowing how she acted in previous relationships, if any. Find out as subtlety as possible. You can't interrogate her or her friends and family like the FBI! However, you can ask questions in a non-prodding, non-intrusive way. Use humor to illicit answers. If you are listening carefully, watching closely for non-verbal signs, etc., the truth will be revealed. Let her know that you are not the man she was with previously. When necessary, let this be known clearly and unequivocally. Be very clear, if necessary, that you will not be disrespected nor mistreated, in any way. Let's be fair, she expects the same from you.
8. Has she ever cheated? When people are "openly dating," there is an understanding that no commitment is in place. It is understood and agreed by both parties that they will "see" other people. When a commitment is in place, both parties understand and agree that a monogamous relationship is in order.
For example, if a teacher gives an exam and clearly states that you cannot use any material to assist, an understanding is in place. If you decide to use methods that go against this understanding, you are cheating (whether you are caught or not). If the teacher states that an exam is "open book" and any materials can be used to assist, there is a clear understanding. If you decide to use your book, this is not cheating.
Men, don't be fooled. Women cheat on their boyfriends and husbands. This is a fact. Don't listen to those that try to excuse or justify the behavior of women that act inappropriately. If it is wrong for men to cheat, it is wrong for women. Period. You need to inquire of your potential wife as to whether or not she has engaged in this type of behavior. An affirmative answer alone should not deter you from marrying her. You need to find out the reasons why and determine if she justifies this behavior or if she is generally remorseful for the deceit. Do not believe the adage that "once a cheat always a cheat." We all make mistakes and its quite possible that you have cheated in a past relationship as well. But you have to be very careful and watchful. If your gut is telling you that your potential wife is cheating, DO NOT MARRY HER. For emotional, physical and health reasons, you have a right to know if she is exposing you to possible physical DRAMA with another man as well as serious sexually transmitted diseases. Ask pointed questions and be observant. Do not allow your potential spouse to get away with cheating just because she is a "female," "emotional," "misunderstood," or "its all your fault because you don't___________ "(fill in the blank). She does not want a potential husband that will put her life at risk. You deserve the same respect!
9. Does she love you? Really? Actions speak louder than words. Some of the best liars are outstanding communicators. That's what make them great at deceiving others. It is not what she says, it's how she says it and what she does. If your car stops on a less travelled road, will she get out of bed to come and get you without debate? Does she comfort you when you are sick? Does she side with you when you are right, even at the expense of losing a good friend, who is obviously wrong? Is she supportive of your career aspirations? Does she accept you for the wonderful person you are or is she attempting to change you? Don't just listen to her say she loves you. Observe how she loves you.
10. Do you have that feeling? More than any quiz, date or trial living arrangement will tell, you can usually know who to choose as a wife just by the feeling you get when you are around her. If you have spent enough time with the woman to truly know her, and if the thought of spending your life with her not only excites you, but makes you long for the day, then you've probably hit upon that precious feeling that will likely leave you on one knee. If you have any doubts, DO NOT MARRY HER. Men, we have intuition as well. START USING IT! Doubts about marrying someone don't pop up the night prior to the wedding. They are a culmination of the experiences you have had with this person since you met. Regardless of what talk show hosts or other relationship-less people have to say, you DO NOT have to marry a woman if you are unsure. DO NOT MARRY a demanding, threatening, nasty-acting woman. It is better to have a few weeks of displeasure at the loss of the relationship rather than a lifetime of pain and depression.
Men, it is important that you exemplify all of the things you want in a mate. Learn to communicate well. Be romantic. Clear up financial problems and be up front about them. Be able to converse on topics other than sports and politics. Be truthful (even if it hurts. DO NOT MARRY a woman that can't handle the truth). Respect and take part in that for which she has a passion. Be helpful. Be respectful; don't be rude. Watch your manners. Be supportive and appreciative of all that she does for you. Do not be verbally or physically abusive (if it ever comes close to this, just walk away - forever). Do not engage her in useless arguments (be firm and resolute; she will get the message soon enough). Clearly communicate the expectations of commitment in the relationship and the ramifications if it is broken. Tell her you love her, often. Touch her affectionately and playfully. Surprise her with unexpected gifts. Do not be a slob. Dress appropriately and use the good grooming skills your mother taught you.
With marriages ending in divorce at alarming rates, it is important for men to choose wisely and carefully in the very beginning. There are many good women that would love to have a charming, wonderful man. Be the best man that you can be and you will attract the right woman, who will ultimately be a great wife.
Dexter Yarbrough
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Transfer iPod Music To Computer/iTunes! Help!
Dexter Yarbrough
For many of us, our iPod stores a huge amount of music, photos, videos and other items. It is priceless. We have spent loads of time getting music off CD's and the Internet and saving them into iTunes on our computers. Well, whathappens if your computer is lost or stolen and you don't have all of that precious media stored elsewhere? Bummer! As you know, you can't simply transfer the media from your iPod back to your computer using the iTunes software.
I was unfortunate enough to have two computers stolen and each had my entire iTunes library on them. There are some free programs in cyberspace that claim to transfer this information, but they REALLY want you to BUY their program, so you can only transfer one song at a time or they bother you with constant ads and spam. Faced with having to spend money on a program to transfer the media from my iPod to a new computer, I found another method of doing so (already on your computer), which is absolutely free and takes a minimal amount of time and effort.
I have enumerated the steps below in order for you to transfer your iPod media to your iTunes library on your computer. But first, please note that if you bought some of your music from iTunes, just log into the new iTunes set up on your computer, plug in your iPod and sync it. If asked if you want to transfer music click YES. For music obtained from CD's or off the Internet, just follow along!
For many of us, our iPod stores a huge amount of music, photos, videos and other items. It is priceless. We have spent loads of time getting music off CD's and the Internet and saving them into iTunes on our computers. Well, whathappens if your computer is lost or stolen and you don't have all of that precious media stored elsewhere? Bummer! As you know, you can't simply transfer the media from your iPod back to your computer using the iTunes software.
I was unfortunate enough to have two computers stolen and each had my entire iTunes library on them. There are some free programs in cyberspace that claim to transfer this information, but they REALLY want you to BUY their program, so you can only transfer one song at a time or they bother you with constant ads and spam. Faced with having to spend money on a program to transfer the media from my iPod to a new computer, I found another method of doing so (already on your computer), which is absolutely free and takes a minimal amount of time and effort.
I have enumerated the steps below in order for you to transfer your iPod media to your iTunes library on your computer. But first, please note that if you bought some of your music from iTunes, just log into the new iTunes set up on your computer, plug in your iPod and sync it. If asked if you want to transfer music click YES. For music obtained from CD's or off the Internet, just follow along!
Step 1
Open iTunes and plug in your iPod. Allow iTunes to connect with your iPod. Click CANCEL if a pop up message appears.
NOTE: If you have Windows Vista, you might need to go to Organize > Layout and check Menu Bar first.
Step 2
Under DEVICES, click on your iPod. This will take you to the iPod Options page. Scroll down and make sure "ENABLE DISK USE" is checked.Step 3
Exit iTunes, BUT DON"T disconnect your iPod!Step 4
Go to Start > Computer. Click on Tools > Folder Options > and the "View" tab. In Advanced Settings (under Files and Folders) click "Show hidden files and folders." Then click OK.NOTE: If you have Windows Vista, you might need to go to Organize > Layout and check Menu Bar first.
Step 5
Go to Start > Computer. Click on your iPod (for instance "JOHN'S IPOD (:F)." You should see a slightly transparent iPod_Control folder. Right click on it and scroll down to "Send to..." and pick Documents. NOTE: You can save it anywhere on your computer, I chose this location as an example for you.
Step 6
Your media will begin copying and it may take time depending upon how much is to be transferred. Be patient! When it's done, unhide the iPod_Control folder that you just copied to Documents (NOT the iPod_Control that is on your iPod!) by right-clicking on it. Scroll down to Properties. Uncheck the Hidden attribute. A message will pop up and ask if you want to apply to this folder, sub folders, and files. Make sure this option is chosen, and click OK. It is important to do this!
Step 7
Open iTunes on your computer again. Remember that your iPod is still connected to the computer. Click Cancel to any pop up messages.
Step 8
At the top, click on Edit > Preferences. Choose the "Advanced" tab. Make sure "Keep iTunes Music folder organized" and "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" are checked.
Step 9
From iTunes, choose File (at the top) > Add Folder to Library. Navigate to the iPod_Control folder saved in Documents (or wherever you saved it) and click OK or SELECT FOLDER.Step 10
The files will begin to copy into your iTunes library. You might want to take time to write down all your play lists, because when you sync your iPod again, you may lose them. I did not have this problem but computers are different. Certainly, it's up to you.
Step 11
After your library fills up, click on your iPod under Devices and sync it! If a pop up message appears, just click YES.Yes!
Sometimes, songs are copied into iTunes with four-letter titles (for example, FGHT or HOJL). I am not sure how this can be corrected. Therefore, you may need to name these files again. I did not find this to be a problem; only a few songs came up like this.All of your media-related files are on your new computer. Enjoy!
Dexter Yarbrough
Dexter Yarbrough
Monday, February 28, 2011
Action Photography: Taking Amazing Pictures

There are a few things you need to start practicing in order to see the results of your efforts. Practice focusing (in manual and AF or auto focus modes) and following the action with the camera. Practice tracking a child or pet around the yard or a park, trying to snap the shutter at the right moments. Practice panning the camera by tracking cars driving by on a busy street. When you start to feel comfortable doing these things, start taking actual pictures of these same subjects. You will be able to check on your progress and see which techniques you've got down and which ones still need work.
Practice and keep on practicing! It may seem difficult at first, but after a while, the mechanical aspects of using your camera for action shots will become second nature and you'll be able to concentrate on composition, emotional moments and all the other things that make for good action pictures.
Freeze or Blur


These are things you have to learn through experience. When shooting action subjects, try using different shutter speeds and keep notes of your activity. By doing so, you will be able to gauge the results you like. As a rule, shutter speeds of 1/1000 or faster freeze most sports action and shutter speeds of 1/15 or slower blur them. Shutter speeds in between might or might not freeze action subjects; it depends on the subject and what it is doing.

Anticipating Action

Staying Focused

Alright, get those cameras ready and practice, practice, practice! Send me some of those fantastic shots and I will grade them accordingly! Have fun!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Photography Tips - Composition
Many people comment on certain photographers having an eye for taking good pictures. In part, that is skill and experience you are seeing. Another part is the expression of art with an understanding of some basic rules. Of course, like any artist, you can take some great shots that 'break' all the rules, however, it is safe to say that taking into consideration the following six items will help improve the quality of your pictures and create more interesting images.
Think to yourself, "What am I taking a picture of?" and keep that in mind. Identifying the subject of interest and avoiding distracting backgrounds will help to keep the picture clear. Zoom in to clear out irrelevant parts of the scene and capture just what you're looking for, avoiding objects like signs, buildings or people that take the viewer's eye away from the point of focus. An example of this is taking a picture of crowd of protestors - a busy image where the eye has trouble figuring out what should take its focus. Zooming in on one protestor in particular, though, makes it very clear what should command the viewer's attention.
Picture a tic tac toe board: two horizontal lines intersected by two vertical lines. This creates an easy formula - line up the horizon of the shot with either of the two horizontal lines, and line up the subject (either a person, building or the focus of your picture) with either of the vertical lines, ideally where the lines intersect. When viewing a scene, try to overlay this map into the viewfinder - with only a little adjustment, you can quickly create more visually interesting images by simply adjusting (or cropping after the fact) what you see to line up with these invisible markers. When dealing with a moving subject or a person, it's often preferable to have them looking or moving 'into' the picture from one of the two sides.
We all remember our geometry classes, dominated by circles, triangles, and snake-like curves. Applying these simple shapes to your subject matter can help to simplify complex scenes and add visual interest. Consider trying to capture an image of a person walking down a long, straight street. Instead of shooting straight down the line, move yourself five or ten feet to the side and shoot that road at an angle - having that line crossing through the intersecting lines of the imaginary tic tac toe board from the rule of thirds can create the illusion of movement as they lead the eye through the picture. S-curves are even more dynamic, while repetitive lines can also create movement of the eye through the picture, like repeating waves of sand on a beach or parallel row houses along the side of a road.
Most images taken by amateur photographers are taken at eye level - this means most of these pictures are taken from the narrow range of 5 to 6 feet in height. Taking a picture from a lower vantage point (for example crouching or even lying on the ground) can add grandeur and significance to the subject, while getting more height (from climbing up a tree, fence or steps) will reduce the significance of the subject in your scene. Examples of using this could be taking a picture of your children playing looking from the ground, or capturing a busy marketplace scene where no one person would stand out over another.
When considering what you're capturing, look through the lens and pick out the dominant subjects, like people, buildings, trees or mountains and arrange them so that they compliment each other. This can mean either symmetrical balancing, where objects of equal size are positioned on either side of the picture's center, like a manicured garden with bushes on either side, or asymmetrical balancing, where objects of different sizes are used on either side of the picture's center, like a scene of a person standing between a house and a tree. Asymmetrical pictures are often more interesting and visually stimulating as the viewer's eye moves from object to object.
Framing, as it sounds, is a way of drawing attention to the subject in the picture by blocking off or framing parts of the scene using natural or artificial barriers, and however accomplished can add prominence to the subject, and will help add a sense of depth to the photo. Using this concept literally, you can try taking an outdoor scene from the inside through an open window to create interest, or capture a newly married couple kissing in a doorway or hallway to draw the eye to them. Other more natural ways of framing a shot are using trees (shooting through gaps in the branches and leaves), or viewing a beach from between craggy rocks.
Dexter Yarbrough
Keep it simple
Rule of thirds
Lines and shapes
Vantage point
Dexter Yarbrough
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Tips for Photography: Framed Art Technique ( Tips for Beginners!
These ten beginning photography tips are for those who have bought their first camera and are just setting out - and what a great journey awaits you!
1.Buy a good quality padded bag for your new camera so that it is always protected against bumps and mishaps - a good camera bag is not a luxury item, it's a necessity.
2.Always use the neck-strap to hang the camera around your neck or keep the wrist-strap on your wrist all the time you are taking pictures and even while you are just looking through the viewer. It's not that you might drop it, it's that one day you will drop it and if you are in the habit of always using a strap, it will be protected and your camera will always be safe.
3.Buy the biggest memory card possible, purchase two if you have the cash and set the picture quality to the highest you can. Don't use the RAW setting for the time being though, get used to using the camera on a high TIFF or JPG setting as you can't up the quality after the shot is taken.
4.Most beginning photography tips overlook the importance of reading the camera manual. Only don't try to read the whole manual at once, you will forget most of it. Read the manual a little bit at a time - but do read it!. Whenever I buy a new camera, I spend about half an hour with the manual before going out. I try to find one new technique that sounds like it might be fun to use and then try it out that same day. Next time you go out with your camera, do the same, find one new technique to try out. If you just spend half an hour before you go out with your camera, each and every time, gradually you will get to know your camera very well, and finding the right settings will become intuitive.
6.Make sure image stabilization is turned on, if your camera has it. This will help to ensure sharp pictures. You can also help to ensure they are sharp by holding the camera in both hands, with your feet firmly planted and your elbows tucked in close to your body. Some people like to hold their breath briefly just before and at the point of clicking the shutter. Concentrating your mind in this way helps to reduce camera shake.
7.Beginning photography tips wouldn't be complete without mentioning that great portrait shot you took only to find later that there is a tree or telegraph pole coming out of the top of their head. This is a common mistake with beginners so check out the background before you take the shot. Even if the background is thrown out of focus, a defocused pole sticking out of your best friend's head will still not look good!
8.Use the fill flash setting on your camera if you are outdoors on a bright sunny day and find that your subject's face is darkened by shadows. This will brighten their face and make them stand out from the background. You should find guidance on how to do this in the camera manual.
9.Press the shutter release button half way down until you feel resistance. Hold it there to lock the focus and then re-frame your picture while you do so. Then press the shutter release button the rest of the way down to finally make the shot. This will make sure your subject is in sharp focus but also gives you the opportunity to improve the composition by placing your subject off centre, a simple tip which can often bring greater life to your pictures.
10.Find out the exact range of the flash by reading the manual. It is usually only up to about 10 feet. Anything beyond that will be too dark. Ten-feet are about four paces so it's fairly easy to estimate.
Thanks to Anne Darling Photography for providing some of the information.
Dexter Yarbrough
1.Buy a good quality padded bag for your new camera so that it is always protected against bumps and mishaps - a good camera bag is not a luxury item, it's a necessity.
2.Always use the neck-strap to hang the camera around your neck or keep the wrist-strap on your wrist all the time you are taking pictures and even while you are just looking through the viewer. It's not that you might drop it, it's that one day you will drop it and if you are in the habit of always using a strap, it will be protected and your camera will always be safe.
3.Buy the biggest memory card possible, purchase two if you have the cash and set the picture quality to the highest you can. Don't use the RAW setting for the time being though, get used to using the camera on a high TIFF or JPG setting as you can't up the quality after the shot is taken.
4.Most beginning photography tips overlook the importance of reading the camera manual. Only don't try to read the whole manual at once, you will forget most of it. Read the manual a little bit at a time - but do read it!. Whenever I buy a new camera, I spend about half an hour with the manual before going out. I try to find one new technique that sounds like it might be fun to use and then try it out that same day. Next time you go out with your camera, do the same, find one new technique to try out. If you just spend half an hour before you go out with your camera, each and every time, gradually you will get to know your camera very well, and finding the right settings will become intuitive.
5.Don't delete unwanted images on the camera. It's better to wait and look at them on your computer screen which is so much larger but also, as your skills grow, you will learn how to rescue certain images that you may have thought hadn't quite worked.
7.Beginning photography tips wouldn't be complete without mentioning that great portrait shot you took only to find later that there is a tree or telegraph pole coming out of the top of their head. This is a common mistake with beginners so check out the background before you take the shot. Even if the background is thrown out of focus, a defocused pole sticking out of your best friend's head will still not look good!
8.Use the fill flash setting on your camera if you are outdoors on a bright sunny day and find that your subject's face is darkened by shadows. This will brighten their face and make them stand out from the background. You should find guidance on how to do this in the camera manual.
9.Press the shutter release button half way down until you feel resistance. Hold it there to lock the focus and then re-frame your picture while you do so. Then press the shutter release button the rest of the way down to finally make the shot. This will make sure your subject is in sharp focus but also gives you the opportunity to improve the composition by placing your subject off centre, a simple tip which can often bring greater life to your pictures.
10.Find out the exact range of the flash by reading the manual. It is usually only up to about 10 feet. Anything beyond that will be too dark. Ten-feet are about four paces so it's fairly easy to estimate.
Thanks to Anne Darling Photography for providing some of the information.
Dexter Yarbrough
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